Dear Albert,


I hope that it will not too be impolite for me to call you Albert directly.

I don't know you, I live in 21st century and you live in 19th-20th century( I have to look up Wiki haha). But after I see the drama which based on your true story and produced by National Geographic Chanel, I had a U turn about a lot of values that I used to deeply, stubbornly believed.


One of those values is about marriage.

I know that Meliva must mean a lot to you in your whole life. I must have to say that you were so coward when Meliva and your mother were at fight about the duty and obligation that a "traditional(perfect)" wife should behave and act in their lives. That part I am not appreciate. But who will have courage to fight with all those stereotypes and out-of-date values when at that young age? Not to mentioned it is at 19th century. If this happen in 21st century, I believe you will be posted on PTT and being found out by public and became a piece of interesting news in Taiwan (probably headline since you are so famous) .

When it comes to marriage, we all believe that it comes with duty and burden. But what matters more is about love. Love is the sole and only reason that we pledge in front of god that we want to be with my husband(or wife) for life time no matter any suffering happen to each other, we will never give up on this relationship. Unless you don't love me any more.


But nothing stay the same. So is love. What we can do is make sure that we are happy at every moment of my life.

That's also what Curie tells you: you deserve to be happy.

Everyone deserve to be happy. Meliva deserve to be happy. She should care more about herself. But I understand that it is just hard for a woman to do so especially when she has children.


Another thing that you teach me from your life is that always stay curious about everything.

That will makes life more fun! I believe that is also what Alice brings to you. She wakes your curiosity about universe and science again.

And you also make me to think about choose side on humanity. It will become my new rule of life. I will try and adjust based on this value.


The most important things that you teach me is the words you said before you leave this world.

You said, "look deeply into the nature, you will understand things better"

When it comes to death or all those things that we can't change in life, I feel really frustrated.

Your words reminds me about so many memories that dated back to even my childhood.

I recall my life in America when I first met so many people from other countries and get to know them.

I remembered that I have huge fight with Tina (she is my best friend of my life, every important moment in my life can't be without her).

No matter how different is our background, out nations, our culture or etc, one thing that never change, we are all human and we all come from nature.

I just heard a speech couple days ago. Google ask an expert from San Diego about what will world be look like if Google doesn't exist anymore?

The answer of the expert is that : actually all answers of questions can be found in nature.

To look into the nature, we are all human. We love, we laugh, we care.

Sometimes we don't say but love exist in real life. Because it is part of nature.

You care about someone, you love someone, that exist in this universe.


I recently help Tina reveal a book that she got from library from  my alma matar.

There is a little note comes a long with it.

Einstein ask: Is universe friendly or not friendly?

I believe the answer lies in our daily life, the world we live in, the nature we look deeply into, the universe where we exist.


Thank you Dr Einstein





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